A play and picnic site
for children with special needs

Surrounded by
acceptance and peace

Now that really is marvelleous


If you wish to make a donation, please make cheques payable to
'Bournstream Trust' and send them to the address below:

For internet banking/transfer: Lloyds Bank - Acc't no. 02622431 & sort code 30-98-29

Our current running costs are now £6,000 per season & the fortnightly grass cutting costs us £135 per time. Although we are always helped by the goodwill, time and energy of other community groups - any further fundraising and donations are welcome.

A gift aid form is available here.


Calm boy at play

"My younger brother has a few disabilities that are not physical and people will often just tar him with the same brush as a child that is just rude and misbehaved.
It is so nice & relaxing to see him able to play & socialise with other children & also sit in the company of adults that see the real him & do not judge him for his behaviour.
My little brother has found great pleasure whilst playing at Bournstream, to see him so relaxed & at ease is a joyful thing in a world where so many people do not understand - & I greatly thank you all for that."

Leanne writing in 2013 to the Bournstream committee.

Bournstream has always been special to us

To have fresh air, know they are safe
& having fun.

Caravan at the park